Follow Terah’s Facebook Profile
Interested in my personal Facebook profile? Right now, I have 146 Friend Requests on my Facebook profile and no way to really know or weed through all the people wanting to be friends. So to keep my sanity and keep Facebook from blocking me from adding more friends, I have opened up my personal profile. Nothing is private. All posts are public. So if you want to see my posts and comment on them, just hit ‘Follow’ on Facebook.
My personal Facebook profile is separate from my official Facebook author page which has over 11,000 followers now. I try to keep my updates on the official page serious with new release content and sales. The personal profile carries news about word counts, book progress and fun stuff. I invite all of you to join me on both!
If you want to follow me, Click “Follow” under to see my new posts, pictures, and updates.
If you actually want to see my posts in your newsfeed or if you don’t like to find out later that the notification was buried, you need to go one step further and click “See First” to get all the updates immediately.